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Scholar Warrior

Living a Balanced Life

There is an ancient Chinese teaching that centers around the idea that to be truly enlightened, one must develop both mind and body.  The ancients taught that it was not enough to be just smart or just athletic.  They asked, what does it profit a man who has mastered martial arts if he cannot also write a poem?  The emphasis was on being what we would call a 'Renaissance Man', and urged living a good life purely for the sake of living a good life.  In other words, this philosophy didn't promise heavenly rewards in the next life for good deeds in this life, but instead taught that living a good life was its own reward — I couldn't agree more.  Those who embody this philosophy are called 'Scholar Warriors' — they are those who feed their mind and body in the pursuit of enlightenment, as they constantly grow and push their boundaries.  I created this website as a herald to that philosophy and lifestyle in the hopes that I may inspire and help others who recognize that this is the better way to live; a stark contrast to wasting life away on a couch watching tv or surfing social media.  Get up and grab your own life by the horns and become the best version of yourself!  Don't wait until long as you do, 'tomorrow' will never come.  


Change starts NOW, with nothing more than a simple decision.  I wish you success on your journey of becoming something more, something you can be proud of, the ability at any moment to be able to describe what you're doing as 'the best I can', so that the sum total of your life could be summed up as, "I AM THE BEST I CAN".  As we give our best consistently, our best becomes better.  This is the key to growth.  


My book, "I AM THE BEST I CAN" recounts my journey from my darkest moment to the moment I embraced this philosophy and started living life at a higher level than I ever had before.  You can get a FREE copy of the book by clicking the link below, which is available in Kindle, Audible, or pdf.  This book will teach you how to honestly assess your life and clearly identify your weaknesses, how to improve upon them, and how to set real, meaningful goals which will guide the outcome of your life.  My hope is that you find real, lasting value from this book and that my videos and content are a source of positivity and inspiration in your life.    

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